Avast report file location
Avast report file location

avast report file location

Also delete the folder present at ComputerHKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREAvast Software.


NortonLifeLock completed acquisition of Avast. Right-click on the Avast Software folder and select Delete. Castillo starred in the hit 90s sitcom as the father of A.C. Source: C:\Program Files\int ernet expl orer\iexpl ore.exeįile created: C:\Users\u ser\AppDat a\Local\Mi crosoft\In ternet Exp lorer\Reco very\High\ Active\Rec overyStore. Leave the as the file name, that is the default file name (e.g. icons indicating a downloadable file Q4 FY23 Press Release(opens in new window). /q or -stopclean: stop on clean files and wait for user input. Former Saved by the Bell actor Gerald Castillo has died.

Avast report file location